We design simplicity

Every complex system is made up of simple parts.. At Loson we solve complexity by applying Keep It Simple (KIS) logic, the design mantra of the aerospace industry. Simplicity does not mean triviality, but functionality, efficiency and reliability.. This is why our solutions always improve the systems’ performance, whether it is light weight, cost, durability, ease of maintenance.

Devising simple solutions is not easy.

We add value to complex systems

Our design combines with design and manufacturing process engineering to propose reliable solutions that can be realized with acceptable time and cost.. We design and build components and products with a systemic view of the context in which they fit, and we find solutions that improve overall system functionality and reliability. We take a concrete look atthe whole supply chain and operational management of the component, product, or system to optimize life cycle costs.

Value Stories

We create value with engineering by optimizing the production and operation of machines and systems in different commodity sectors: from industrial automation to aerospace, automotive, defense, rail, and mechatronics. Learn more about the stories of our projects in these Case Histories.

Loson’s pluses

Optimization of the executive design.

Optimization of manufacturing methodology and processes.

Improved reliability and ease of maintenance.

Reduction in production, operation and maintenance costs.

Reduction in life cycle costs.

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